Book 2 of 3 of The Family Business

Keeping It In The Family ... The Christian Way

Now Available   Click here ... (read sample)


Quotable Tom's Thoughts of Quotations

Occassionally I will post a quote from my new book Quotable Tom here after it's release.


Click HERE for a brief description about Tom's books.


This new book contains decades of quotes written by Tom Grooms.


In addition to donating directly, Tom Grooms makes donations to HealthLink Initiative charity in the form of book royalties from each book purchased by you, the reader.  The vision of HealthLink Initiative (HLI) is a world of health, wellness and safety built on a foundation of giving.  He encourages donations directly to HLI through their website

Tom gives regularly to Meals on Wheels for Seniors, Grand Central Station Dining Car Soup Kitchen for the Homeless, Grand Central Station Market Depot Food Pantry for the Hungry, Grand Central Station Children'd Express for Hungry Children, Habitat for Humanity for Home Revitalization, The Salvation Army for Families Addiction Recovery Homeless Food Pantry Shelter, Home Hospice for the Terminally Ill, Methodist Children's Home for Homeless Children, Methodist Youth Missions for Stewardship.