A Personal Hello ...

In 2013, Tom turned all his efforts to full-time writing as an independent professional author. It was six years later in 2019, he received his first recognition as an author, receiving the
First Place Texas Historical Nonfiction Author Award.

With a unique writing style, his highly creative ideas are moving, taking the reader from the ordinary to the unthinkable. Tom writes to create new thoughts in perpetuity and launch the
reader’s imagination into a wonderful world of extraordinary imagination.

During his career, drawing on his experience as one of the foremost statesmen, Grooms’ experience from travel and work in China, Russia, Europe, Latin America, and other countries gives greater meaning to all of what he writes.

Book 2 of 3 Keeping It In The Family ... The Christian Way ... Now Available

Click here ... (read sample)

Quotable Tom ... Book of original quotes by Tom written  from 1968 - 2025

Release in April !!!


Order Tom's Books By Clicking on a Book Cover Taking You Directly To the Amazon Page

Both introspective and retrospective, my books explore outer space, intelligence and business through lenses of the future.

CAPITALISM SOCIALISM DEMOCRACY 3-book Series coming in 2025 2026 2027


New Book Under Pen on Outer-Space

(Coming in late 2025)

New Book on Outer-Space (Beyond This World)


Book 3 of 3 The Outer-Space Series (Beyond This World)

Beyond Earth a new era of preparation for exploration and colonization for espionage and war in outer-space against ETs and foreign powers is in play.

Earth is entering a new era of preparation for exploration and colonization for war in space.

The future survival of earth, its existence, and its place in the alignment of the planets can only happen if individual countries acquiesce to a Space Federation Council and Space Intelligence Agency.

The reaction to this phenomenon has been the establishment of space forces, spy bases, and space stations on the moon and participation with other planets directly originated from this book.

The blueprint for the future of Earth to be admitted to the existing alien governing worlds in the cosmos is earth’s Space Federation Council and Space Intelligence Agency, the single and sole government agency and security shield representing all of earth in the existing network of Federation of Planets.

The future survival of earth, its existence, and its place in the alignment of the planets depends on the acceptance and activation of a Space Federation Council and Space Intelligence Agency.

Interplanetary Space Law
"Earth has no legal jurisdiction beyond the atmosphere of planet Earth. There is no existing governing body of planet Earth having the authority to codify laws, exercise police powers, or form a tribunal to hear disputes on matters related to outer space. The United Nations has no legal jurisdictional in outer space.  Space-participating nations on planet Earth coexist by agreements of treaty between each other for now, hopefully peacefully, in outer space. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 about country space law does not have the authority or jurisdiction to grant or restrict space activity as to space travel, space mining, space exploration, space industrialization, space colonization, or control of weaponization of outer space. Outer space exists among a comity confederation of planets. Space federations have jurisdiction of extraterrestrial rule." (Tom Grooms J.D. 2021 pp. 93)


Book 2 of 3 The Outer-Space Series (Beyond This World)

The time has come to tie your little business to the Stars. This is the guide to startup your outer-space family business.

Cosmic entrepreneurs are gaining entry in the galactic marketplace, as we extend into the cosmos with settlements, energy bases, and colonization outposts discussed in the original and first book ever written on outer-space entrepreneurship and the outer-space family business.

The space-race is on ... what's in your celestial wallet ...?

Interstellar relationships are the new lifestyle where there will always be something to be sold and waiting buyers throughout the cosmos.

Heed these words of where the next great fortunes will exist and be made by the few who don’t hesitate and act accordingly.


Book 1 of 3 The Outer-Space Series (Beyond This World)

Are there ETs ... UFO Flight Paths ... Moon Bases ... Space Spy Bases ... Space Forces ... Military Defense Space Outposts ... Extraterrestrial Alien Presence and Encounters Involving Human Beings on Earth ...?

Existing evidence identifies different alien races of ETs from other worlds, planets, solar systems, and dimensions traveling to and fro, and living among us on earth, be they friend, foe, or threat ...

The reaction to this phenomenon has been the establishment of space forces, spy bases, and space stations on the moon and other planets directly originated from book 3of3, Space Intelligence Agency ... Spies and Espionage in the Space Race.

Cosmic entrepreneurs are gaining entry in the galactic marketplace, as we extend into the cosmos with settlements, energy bases, and colonization outposts discussed in book 2of3, Space Nuggets, the original and first book ever written on outer-space entrepreneurship and the outer-space family business.

Decide for yourself the answers found within the most complete and comprehensive book ever written on outer-space supported by documentation and pictures.

WORLD at War and Clandestine INTELLIGENCE


Book 3 of 3 The China Series (I was there in 2006)

China Is Everywhere and Nowhere ...

China is the Largest Blue Water Navy and globally expanding PLA Military. China’s increasing naval and military prowess now control the China Sea and is extending eastward to Midway Island.

China is the world's most secret spy service. The inner workings of spycraft and espionage by the MSS state secret service has a vast spy network focusing on America, England, and Australia.

China’s intercontinental hypersonic ballistic missiles advancement, programming, and  placement are changing the perimeter for war. China’s warfare doctrine establishes deep-space colonization and exploration their number one priority.

Declaration of World War III was declared on Tuesday 2 August 2022. This occurred the day Pelosi's Washington diplomatic delegation and contingent paramilitary force landed in Taiwan.

“On 20 February 2022 Washington threatened to setup nuclear missile installations in the Ukraine and to make the Ukraine a full member of NATO bordering Russia. The following morning the Ukraine announced preparation for a military incursion into eastern Ukraine to displace Russian occupied sectors. The entire world changed on that hinge-factor and war broke out on 24 February 2022. Russia responded with a police action to protect its citizens and Washington made sanctions and declarations to destroy Russia ... its old rival.”

The Ukraine conflict was this single military event which drew China into a power-alliance with Russia, alienated Europe from Washington, and terrified the countries of the world. This single act became the hinge-factor for China to seek separate sovereignty, total independence from the west, and construct its own sphere of power when Biden and Zelensky drew first-blood in the Ukraine.

Washington’s unification of Russia with China and Iran has added to its primary adversaries. Working to defend Americans has become career breakers.

Washington are individuals who see Russia as their primary adversary. The problem is acerbated when our disinformation is believable. Rightly so.

Intelligence assessments continue to accurately prioritize America's security threats with Mexico being first, China second, Iran third, and Russia fourth. It's evidenced in the headlines and what isn't being said.

Coming from one of the most up-to-date and knowledgeable statesmen of our time, this sweeping and insightful presentation of events happening right now in China, Tom Grooms the Father of Market Intelligence and China forecaster for the first time puts in print his geopolitical analysis about China’s expanding empire into a worldwide blanket of Confucian socialism and forecast for China the next 50 years to 2070.

While we have an Eye on China ... China has Eyes on us ...


Book 2 of 3 The China Series (I was there in 2006)

RED ALERT ... The Best Geopolitical Book of the 21st Century on the China You Don't Know ... A Must Read.

In this compelling book about China’s ambitious new geopolitical strategy to reclaim its position as the sole World Power for a third time in history presents the why this is happening. Anyone thinking China will coexist with America, while Washington abnegates, does not understand the forces at play now surrounding the old and new world order.

As the Russia-China 2600-mile border dissolves, Tom showcases the newly forming strategic and tactical alliances between China and the realigning countries of the world. China sees the world through the lens of its PLA military, deep outer space exploration and colonization program, and CCP political China communist party authoritarian government rule.

Like so many people throughout the world, you don’t know much about China, its geopolitical expansion, or the perils to engage in business there with the Chinese under a Marxist socialist government in a socialist-market economy. China is exercising its wherewithal to convert the rebuilt world’s composure into a Confucian-socialist order leading in reform of the global governance system.

There has never been a true world order, democracy, capitalism, socialism, or communism to exist anywhere or at any time ... only oligarchic totalitarianism. Absolute rule can exist in any type of political system and form of government.

You will discover about China's hidden gold reserves, undisclosed military expansion, and implemented virtual surveillance currency ... plus much, much more.

Tom’s writing in this cutting-edge work was the first extensive thinking and accurate forecast about what China is doing over the next 50-year period to 2070. Drawing on his experience as one of the foremost statesmen, Tom’s prophecy for China is happening now and what to come is rapidly moving in the direction of his foretelling for the 21st century.

If you think World War III will be bad ... This will be worse ...

Reviews ...

Every American needs to read Tom’s latest book China New World Order Alliance. It’s the most important message for America today and the future of the United States.  Mike Jones, Mr. Texas – Mr. U.S.A. Runner Up 9-times Body Building Nationals.

I'm 20-pages in. This literally is the best 20-pages of a book I have ever read. I'm just taken back so far. John Hurst – Senior Bank Vice President, Arkansas.


Book 1 of 3 The China Series (I was there in 2006) 

My story begins on arrival at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport of China in February of 2006. To know China is to understand the 21st Century.

The average American, as well as many others around the world, only know CHINA through their Fortune Cookie, an American invention.

It was 2013 when China became the world’s largest economy measured in GNP by over $1 trillion greater, surpassing the entire US economy.

Explore the Chinese life, the poverty life of a Chines peasant, and the wealthy flamboyant Chinese, exhibit differing lifestyles centuries apart.

The people of China presented give you what the real China is like. The story and pictures take you into the soul of the Chinese and their everyday lifestyle.

The masses are the real China and the individual Chinese is esoteric from Chinese food to its legendary people, folklore, rituals, and customs of ancient time, an allure to all that is Chinese.

Tom takes you on his walks and drives through ancient and present-day history in such a way you are never lost exploring behind the scenes of the beauty in this vivid historical narrative.

China is a wonderful place to visit, shop, and conduct business. As long as you are respectful and well behaved, you will have no problems.

You don’t have to be Chinese to dine at the Chinese table, only invited. The Chinese love their country and government.

One of life’s greatest pleasures is to regard different types of people and ways of life with tolerance and esteem of ways that are not your ways.


Book 3 of 3 The Russia Series (I was there in 1998)

Russia asked for help with establishing massive small business creation. My job was to help restart their national economy.

America responded with a 5-person team of which I was selected to be one of its members. We were the first Americans in the 7 Oblasts Closed Cities of Orekhovo, Zuyevo, Reutov, Solnechnogorsk, Serpukhov, Yubileyny, and Balashikha.

Upon taking office, Putin immediately set in motion to lower taxes, increase jobs, ignite small business, raise the standard of living of the Russian people, bring about a resurgence of faith in God and religion in the Russian Orthodox Church, convert a communist country to a free-market economy and laissez-faire, thus accomplishing more than all the past heads-of-state in Russia ... something you will never hear openly about in the west.

Putin’s greatest contribution at the time and remains so today was restoring Hope to the Russian people. Vladimir Putin continues to exhibit the greatest intellectual restraint of any head-of-state.

It’s 1998, the depth of the greatest depression in history occurred while Russia fought starvation, restructuring all levels of governrment to reunite its people, restore order, provide food, clothing and shelter.

My work was presented on how to restart a national economy and its industrial base, and prevent market turbulence by economic and governmental influences, thus permanently stabilizing markets.

It worked then. It can work for any country today.


Book 2 of 3 The Russia Series (I was there in 1998)

Do you want to live in a Socialist country ...? ... because all socialism is communism, a highly intoxicating delusional tool to enslave populations and establish dictatorship.

1914-1917 Imagine World War I and the rise of Socialism on the world stage from inside Russia.
1929-1939 The First Great Depression and initial spread of Communism in the world from Russia.
1940-1945 World War II was the fight to establish Socialism as Democracy as Capitalism in compatible capitalistic Controlled Markets, Liberty and Freedom.
1947-1989 The indoctrination of Socialism bankrupting countries around the world including Russia, and you have some idea of how long it took for people and heads-of-state to realize this is destructive and doesn’t work, but governments stay the course for power.

The Collapse ... World economies and markets reverberated during these 3-historical-days in 1998 ...
August 13 Russia's government defaulted on its debt causing an immediate monetary system collapse which in turn triggered rapidly falling prices and disruption of world markets.
August 17 Russia’s stock market crashed, its RTS Russian Trading System closed, the bond market and ruble currency trading platforms stopped and collapsed. The entire country stopped.
September 2 Russia's Central Bank activated the Ruble into a free-floating currency with its value being determined by the world currency markets. Food prices rapidly increased, social unrest grew, public demonstrations rose due to extreme hardships, and the workers said ‘no pay – no work’ and walked off their jobs all across Russia leaving the country at a standstill. The workers never returned to complete their tasks. Russia became a polarized nation.

More Russians died during 1989 - 1998 from starvation than all who died during World War I and World II. This is a story you will never hear openly about, but should be read and its lessons cherished.

Join me in my journey meeting the people, eating their food, and living under Russian conditions at the time leaving one in awe about how could 1989-1998 have ever happened ...?


Book 1 of 3 The Russia Series (I was there in 1998)

Travel inside Russia and behind the scenes of Russian life to experience the soul of a great Russian people and heritage.

To understand Russia is to better understand our relationships with mystic Russia.

Russia is in the news daily ... How much do you know about Russia ..?

Have you ever tasted Khlebsol salt-bread or Karavay sweet-bread?
Bread is the symbol of life and the ancient custom of welcoming a visitor or honoring an important guest with a rounded loaf of bread with a salt cellar on top is the highest mark of hospitality.

Being able to take a peek look inside Russia’s intriguing history, its people, rich culture, world-class education, and intriguing lifestyle is an experience few ever venture.

Whether for fun, travel, business or diplomacy, developing meaningful cultural relationships is possible with your Culture of Russia book.

ESPIONAGE Intrigue and The SPY


The extensive in-depth research for this original one-of-a-kind book began in the 1960s while in college as a political science major and continued over the next 50 years to the publication date. Many of the sources no longer exist.

This was the first published complete chronological history of spies and intelligence agencies and services. It provides a comprehensive background of the spy business, spycraft, and espionage.

Whether a casual reader wanting to know if you have the essential skills and traits to join the intelligence community, reading this book is the first step leading into the secretive world of the spy. The type of person sought and invited into the club will have the qualities found within these pages needed at the time of history and type of mission.

The composite of all known existing intelligence analysis techniques and crafted intelligence tools are found in this book. This is why it is one of the highly top and best reference books used by police intelligence departments and intelligence communities.

Ode to a Spy
Thomas (Tom) Fletcher Grooms

Young spies fight wars.
Old spies fight death.
All other spies fight each other.


The Official and Original Work (This book is a tome on a new concept of intelligence.)

I discovered and wrote the first peer review study on Market Intelligence, thus the earned designation The Father of Market Intelligence.

Whether you are empirical or quantitative, this book is a revelation which fills the gaps in the fields of intelligence, economics, and business. Market intelligence has business applications providing missing intelligence checks on critical and valued executive information, counterintelligence to spies and industrial espionage of intellectual property from hostile competition, safety and security.

Next market intelligence plays an essential role in the intelligence community of governments. It safeguards sensitive classified intelligence and espionage of governments and foreign enemies.

Finally, market intelligence takes the lead as the first and premier outer space intelligence service and agency. You discover inside the framework of the Double Helix of Market Intelligence, it’s designed to represent planet earth in a federation of planets.

Market Intelligence (MKI) is gathered through internal analysis, competition analysis, and market analysis about the total environment forming a broad spectrum of assembled knowledge, which is then used for developing scenarios so that timely reporting of vital foreknowledge for future planning in the areas of strategic, tactical, and counter-intelligence decision-making can be applied operationally and strategically in respect to the whole organization's strategic interest for the whole market.” (Grooms 1991)

"The structure of the Model of Market Intelligence is a Market Intelligence Double Helix that can usurp to make copies of itself in other dimensions and realities to reveal an ever infinity of knowledge and forecasts. The Market Intelligence Model provides a missing link present in organizations at the highest levels. The model gives reassurance to help ensure a broad scope of checks and balances protecting the CEO, senior executives and government senior officials as well as the organization, its value and performance. Market Intelligence is what makes all intelligence ... intelligence."

Reader's Call it  ... Timeless.



(Coming in 2026)

Book 3 of 3 The Family Business Series (Family Business Owner)

KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY ... The Christian Way $24.95

Book 2 of 3 The Family Business Series (Family Business Owner)

God wants You to have a successful and prosperous life.

Feel God’s presence in your life within these pages.

Regardless of your age or stage of life discover how to have a better future.

This Christian book began with conversations about the family business during my travels across America and around the world.

You will read the money ways of the Bible in business principles presented in a positive light.

I promise you’ll be surprised by what you read.

It’s my wish for you to become successful.


Book 1 of 3 The Family Business Series (Family Business Owner)

This book is what you need most today, a silent friend to turn to for advice.
It is packed full of good, sound, and practical business common sense. Something you will use every day in the year.

We are living in a time and age of miracles.
There are two sides to belief ... those who ask and unbelief.

The greater the understanding ... the greater your power to find what you are lookking for ...
*Coping by replacing everyday stress with your own environment.
*Finding calm in a quiet peace you’ve sought your whole life.
*Seeking happiness in knowing how with making your own way.
*Healing you apart from all the troubles with the world.

You won’t need to work through lunch on the day of your funeral ...?


This is what you do when things don’t work out, you get fired, you can’t find a job, you are unemployed with worry about how to pay the bills, there is no food on the table, you don’t know what to do, and you need a trusted friend.


This book is about how to develop the Millionaire Mind ...!

The only thing of importance is the right of self-determination and you can’t do it without money.

It’s money that gives the encouragement of Hope, so why not learn how to get some for yourself.


Six editions were published with McGraw Hill.

This book is for those who don’t want to read volumes of words and long paragraphs.


Whether you eat with a fork or chopsticks or your hands, you are always at the table of differences. Whatever you wear, all clothes are cultural variations of past histories.

Your politeness and linguistic behaviors demonstrate a regard and consideration for others ensuring by civil graces and etiquette your acceptance to others.

Have Culture Will Travel ... America – United Kingdom – Australia – Asia – Europe – Middle East – Africa – Latin America – South America.


What were you doing the night they played your favorite song ...?

This classic book shines a wonderful appreciation about the life of the best Male and Female Vocalists in each genre. These are the pioneers of the Blues, Jazz, and Rock-n-Roll.

This book is for every age who enjoys music.

There is a Last Song ... the Musician's Song.


(April 2025) Wit & Wisdom for All Ages ...

Enjoy a lifetime of Tom’s wit, humor, wisdom, and down-to-earth country logic talk.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Reading my books make you richer.

If you don't read, you don't know.

If you know, you have a lot more money.

Buy My Books @ Amazon ... Worldwide