
Inspiring ... Historical ... Moving ... Interesting
Expertise of What-Is-Before-Us and What-Can-Be

Classic story of second chances

Though you may have never heard of the articulate orator-speaker TOM GROOMS, consider the fact that he delivers positive messages about some of the greatest moments on life for 50 years and inspired hope to all who have heard him over the years.

Life is more than just living well, its best learned from Seniors about the wisdom of lifestyle.

Audiences 6 to 100 will be in awe about how your Grandparents dealt the world and lived to old age share their wisdom of what is important to know.

Your entire family will spend an enchanted evening with Tom as he takes you, your children, your grandchildren, and your great granchildren on an unforgettable walk in the footsteps of Seniors.

Growing up, Tom began his work career starting at 12 years of age in the family business. He came, he saw, he conquered all with positive thinking and an attitude of hope for the future.

From the acclaimed world classic nonfiction author of over eighteen books, astrospace, geopolitical strategist, and forecaster is The Father of Market Intelligence.

In an interview, Tom Grooms can discuss:

His story of being underestimated his entire lifetime.

How Tom inspired students to achieve beyond their told failures by others.

His journey to becoming a Senior himself.

The similarities Tom has with our youth and young adults struggle to find their own story.

How finding happiness through the eyes of Tom keeps everyone moving forward despite reality.


Walking in the Footsteps of Seniors

Tom Grooms | Orator | World Classic Author | Writer

Speaker Honorarium | Travel Accommodations | $10,000

Booking Contact | TomGroomsSpeaker@gmail.com | Talk