In Defense of 2025 … How To Survive The Coming Depression of 2025

In Defense of 2025
How To Survive The Coming Depression of 2025
Copyright © 2025

Tom Grooms First Place Nonfiction Texas Author, Astrospace and Geopolitical Strategist and Forecaster, is The Father of Market Intelligence. This article is the sole opinion of the author and nonadvisory and nonpolitical. The written content is based on research and contains opinions and ideas of the author. The author is not engaged in rendering advice. Quotation of passages for purposes of academic research, academic papers, criticism, education, or review are permitted with proper acknowledgment of the author. All rights reserved.


The beginning of 2025 with President Donald Trump entering office brought a sigh of relief to approximately 90% of Americans. Since 2009, this period of high crime, deceit, and acts of treason of America and the American citizenry had shaken the very foundations of American culture and institutions and dissolved all trust between the federal government in Washinton with its people as well as among all of its allies and enemies.

A first thought might be this is going to be another splattering blah-blah-blah of political rhetoric. It isn’t.

If you find yourself spontaneously or unconsciously in a reflex tone immediately rejecting something different from what you thought you knew, you are thinking in terms of singularity. Stop it.

This is a timely important piece of valued literature of ideas about the current condition which will instill a sense of confidence in the American people and the future of America. Hang in here and you will learn something of interest and of value.

The last fifteen years in America have been overshadowed with cost-to-coast rampant thoughts of murder, revolution, and treason. We have witnessed vulgar behavior, lack of human civility, no respect for social order, open arrogant theft, blackmail, innocent law-abiding citizens sent to prison, due process denied, attorney practices and judge decrees with impunity and contempt defying legal code of ethics.

In 1958, J Edgar Hoover while serving as Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation, authored the book Masters of Deceit about the story of Communism and how dictatorships are established and the dangers it poses to liberty and freedom. Think J Edgar would be sorely disappointed to learn the destruction of the FBI by the previous culpable two directors, the illegal criminal investigations on innocent Americans who supported, voted for, spoke out in favor, or wrote commentary in support of Trump under the guise of a Hate Crime.

Regardless of your political favorite, idealism, gender, race, age, or religion, the open theft of federal money, the political prosecution of innocents, and violent corruption is wrong. It’s unethical, callous, and illegal. The past two decades have seen deceit of the highest order in our government by Democrat FBI Agents, Obama, Soros, and Biden.

All the country’s major current problems are the result of government and its office holders. We could say with a high degree of confidence 90% of all the evils and problems during this time were directly caused by those holding places of authority in government.

In defense of 2025, the average individual citizen was culpable for the other 10% of existing problems due to voting for corrupt politicians. It may have been in the form of ignorance, apathy, blind allegiance to a failed past belief, blindly valid viewpoint with impertinence, or refusing to read and educate to be more informed.

All of this allowed the Federal Reserve to highjack the American economy with no resistance. The Fed did this with interest and debt.

Prior to 1913, the American economy functioned on a solvent economic equilibrium of paying cash for all purchases, even a house, a car, or a vacation. The average family held no debt or obligation to anyone. After 1913, with the creation of the Fed and federal income tax, the American economy switched to a debtor-based economy.

American citizens felt helpless, threatened, and in need of relief from political suppression and poverty. Then came 2025.

The Fed is not owned by the banks or any federal government agency. The Fed is owned by individual stockholders for a profit.

Nothing can correct for the benefit of Americans until the Fed is returned back to the Department of Treasury. Should have never left.

In 2025, the most magnanimous way going forward to benefit yourself and financially protect your family is to follow this simple path.

Pay the least amount of legal taxes to save the government, spend as little money as possible to save the planet-environment, and borrow as little as absolutely necessary or preferably never any amount of money even at zero interest to save your family. Don’t let legal plunder ruin your life. (Grooms, Keeping It In The Family, 2024).

If there were no debt for the Fed to buy, you would have the highest degree of liberty, freedom and independence. If there were no debt for the Fed to buy, interest rates would stabilize at or below 5%, the Grooms Rule of 5. (Source: Grooms, My Little Business, 2023).

Everyone in every country wants a strong currency. The higher the interest rate, the stronger the currency. The fewer the dollars in circulation, the higher the value of money. The answer is don’t borrow.

Exporters in every country want a weak currency making their goods less expensive in foreign markets. The lower the interest rate, the weaker the currency. The answer is to borrow and hope you are able to pay all the loan back and not default and lose everything.

In 2025, 70% of Americans can’t pay their daily living expenses, defaulting on credit card payments with usury interest between 18%-35%, with mortgage interest between 6%-7% defaulting on mortgages that are underwater and homes that cannot sell for what is owed.

In the housing market, 40% of homes have no mortgage. The greatest crime centers and destroyer of home values are apartments.

You cannot ever overpay for a home with cash. You can overpay for interest and debt landing in default.

The second-place home devalue comes from condos. This is next followed in disaster area of an abundance of non-insurable homes where you can’t obtain or afford homeowner insurance and pay HOAs.

Living under the control of someone else, whether a mortgage, HOA, landlord, or debt obligation is no way to live. It’s not living, when you are giving money needless and unnecessary to someone else, while taking it away from your family.

This is the argument for temporary low interest rates in 2025 and maybe during the next three years to help save the 70%. This allows a restructuring of debt that becomes more manageable, and salvage what little hope that remains on a thread and a prayer.

The 20% riding the cusp of collapse would also be temporarily rescued. Only the 10% are immune.

When living under a saturation of debt which gradually peaked occurring from 2009 to 2025, the market performance is experiencing negative returns in the value of money, the stock market, and business. Never in history has money been such a powerful tool to control all.

When prices go up, they never come down, except in a depression. You see a recession is only a slowing of the economy.

A depression is declining costs and prices. Depressions are the healthiest cure of what ails all sick economies, insolvent debtors, and destructive standards of living.

If you are in debt, pray for a depression, so you pay back your loan at a lesser cost. The whole idea here is if you are in debt get out of debt and if you are not in debt don’t ever get into debt.

The way a non-gold debt-based economy works is based on a marketplace financed by the banks with debt mortgaged of the individual. Financial controls and money debt is the greatest form of human stress and destruction of families.

The only worse thing next to debt is being shot at in war.

The American citizen has the vested power to correct the entire economic system of America by refusing to accept debt, any debt, government debt, issued by the 1%. Don’t make someone else rich.

A Debt-Strike in any country of the world, especially in America, would stop any government from raising national interest rates and the banking financial system from usury charges for short-term loans. Debt refusal would shift the balance of power from government back to its citizens.

The world cannot and will never return to a gold-backed currency. The world is evolving to a complete digital-currency out of a necessity due to the size of world’s population and finite resources.

Gold is not money. Silver is not money. Neither have intrinsic value as legal currency. They are both only industrial metals.

The utility of gold is for settlements in international trade between central banks interacting worldwide. The only intrinsic value of gold for individuals lies in jewelry and coin collections.

To back any currency by gold and silver, does not change its value as its worth is no greater than the image of issue. The acceptance  of crypto-fiat bitcoin virtual currency floating in blockchain technology shifts authoritarian absolute control over people in every country of the world. Source: Grooms, My Little Business, 2023.

There are only 2 races of people, those who are nice and those who aren’t nice. There are only 2 classes of people, those with money and no debt, and those without money and have debt.

There are the balance-sheet poor with a mortgage and debt who pretend to be wealthy. There are the income statement affluent with no mortgage who are really wealthy with cash solvency.

The average American was told by their parents to stay out of debt. The headline and newscast brainwashed the gullible young adults into getting it now before maturity of the senses stopped them. And pain followed them all the remaining years of their life.

Now is the time to buy the home you want, regardless of what is going on in the world. Your home can always be refinanced later.

Even if the sale price is above market value, it doesn’t matter. You are better off financially and stress-wise being a homeowner.

You need a place to sleep at night.

One of the secrets of the millionaire lifestyle is to be selective in buying your first home and never move. Never buy a second home, that’s why luxury hotels exist.

Never have more than one mortgage in your lifetime. After the first, pay cash for all future homes, cars, and vacations.

You see, the three most expensive things you can do in life is get a divorce, buy a home, and sell a home. The less you do of all three, the better-off you are.

In defense of 2025, it isn’t as bad as you think. It can get worse. It can get better.

Five years from now, we probably won’t remember 2025. Ideally, let’s enjoy today, savor the moment, and find favor in whatever life gives us.



The life, financial and economic principles you’ve read were from my lecture notes to undergrad, graduate, and doctorial students over half a century. These are not random thoughts without substance and credibility.

How To Survive The Coming Depression of 2025
Source: Grooms, Keeping It In The Family, 2024.